Life at LUHFT is our promise to take great care of you, to allow you to take great care of yourself.
Our Life at LUHFT offer brings together internal LUHFT resources and national initiatives so that when you need support you have a wide range of tools and resources at your fingertips in areas including:
- Physical wellbeing – such as staff physiotherapy service, occupational therapy, weight management, stopping smoking, keeping fit.
- Mental wellbeing – such as stress management, staff psychology service, counselling, wellbeing hubs, access to NHS apps and national support services.
- Financial wellbeing – instant pay options, cost of living advice, money saving tips, support accessing food banks, NHS discounts, salary sacrifice, opportunities to access financial support.
- Work life: flexible working, Freedom to Speak Up Guardians, pensions scheme and advice, retirement scheme and advice, pastoral and multi-faith support, coaching and mentoring, and mediation.