Date published: 27 December 2024
The endocrine team at the Royal Liverpool Hospital recently became the first such team in the North West to carry out robotic adrenal surgery.
The team used the state of the art Da Vinci Robotic system to undertake an adrenalectomy to remove an adrenal gland. These are small organs that produce important hormones that help control the body's response to stress, metabolism, and blood pressure.
An adrenalectomy is done for some people who have a tumour or growth that is suspected to be a cancer on their adrenal gland. This is more commonly because the gland or tumour is producing too much of certain hormones, which can cause various health problems.
Using robotic surgery for these procedures are particularly beneficial for patients with complex or large tumours or those with obesity, providing them with a safe option that can provide faster operations and shorter hospitals stays after their operation.
Helen Perry, consultant endocrine surgeon, who led the procedure said: “I’m proud to have led the successful expansion of robotic adrenal surgery to Liverpool, and look forward to delivering this innovative procedure to patients within Merseyside and beyond. This not only enhances patient care in Liverpool, but also marks a major step forward in the evolution of endocrine surgery in the UK.”